Not All Anxiety Hits in Quite the Same Way
Venturing off into the land of freelance was a scary path to take. I was giving up the security of a consistent paycheck for the uncertainty of finding work on my own. Bills don’t care if you have a steady income, the bills must be paid. Big company long-term incentive programs are there for a reason. It’s a carrot on a stick. Carrots on a stick are meant to lure you ever onward, down paths that you might not normally take on your own free will. They are referred to as “golden-handcuffs” for a reason. It took me longer than I’d like to admit, but there came a day when I realized that I was being led down a path I didn’t want to be taking.
The reality was that I was putting myself through 8+ hours of hell, doing a job that I had hated, all for the security of money. I had stress, anxiety and burnout that bled into my non-working life. I was miserable. There comes a point when no amount of money can make the suckiness of a job be less sucky. So I quit.
No amount of money can make the suckiness of a job be less sucky.
I would be lying to say that freelancing didn’t create its own new anxieties, because it did. I had to worry about making money, getting the right jobs and continually thinking about the next job. It turns out that not all anxiety and stress hit quite the same way. Yes, there was still stress. Yes, I still had anxiety. But this time it all felt different. I was determining my own path and destiny. I was working on things I loved. The anxiety was balanced out in such a way that it wasn’t destroying me or my life anymore. Not all anxiety is created equal.
PS: I’m always looking for new people to work and I’d love to work with you. Reach out and say hi 👋